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Crash Data


The National Center for Statistics and Analysis (NCSA), an office of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, provides a wide range of analytical and statistical support to NHTSA and the highway safety community. Learn more about all of NHTSA's available data.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) recently reported that 31,720 people were killed on U.S. roadways in the first nine months of 2021, a record 12% increase from the same period last year. This is the most people killed on our roadways through the first nine months of any year since 2006, and the largest nine-month percentage increase ever in the nearly 50-year history of the Fatality Analysis System Roadway deaths rose in most states, including Vermont, which has a ten-year high in 2021. 


We estimate that in Vermont, between 2,000 (police reports) and 4,000 (ED visits) people are injured and killed on our roadways each year. Vermont has an average of 60 deaths each year, and VT averages 6 pedestrian deaths and 1 bicycle death (five-year average).

People on foot or on bikes are more likely to be severely injured in a crash. At the same time, vehicle safety advances, including seatbelts and airbags, have dramatically improved the safety of vehicle occupants.

You should never mix driving and alcohol. As a pedestrian, it is also essential to be careful if you have been drinking. In the US, almost half of the fatal crashes between drivers and pedestrians involve alcohol.

In Vermont, crashes involving people walking often happen in dark lighting conditions, such as on rural roads at night and in the fall and winter.

In Vermont, about one in five crashes involving a person walking occur in parking lots.

Find more information about crash data using the Vermont Agency of Transportation's Vermont Public Crash Data Query Tool.

Vermont Data Briefs - Vermont Department of Health